Orff Schulwerk
Orff Schulwerk is a dynamic approach to music and movement education created by composer Carl Orff and his colleague Gunild Keetman. Proceeding from a strong conviction in each child's natural musical promise, the Orff approach draws it forth through the child's world of games, chant, song, movement, folk dance, drama and work on specially designed Orff instruments just right for the beginning musician. With over a half-a-century of tried-and-true practice in over 40 countries worldwide, the Orff approach remains on the cutting edge of all educational practice.
San Francisco International Orff Course
The only course of its kind, The San Francisco International Orff Course combines the structure and sequence of the American Levels Training courses with multicultural material and an international student body representing over 30 countries. We attract music specialists, dance teachers, classroom teachers and professional musicians eager to learn how to engage their students in joyful dance and music-making. Our esteemed faculty are all still working with children, most for over 25 years, and are much in demand in teacher-training workshops and courses nation and worldwide.
The camp atmosphere allows for complete immersion and many opportunities for more music and dance when the day’s formal classes are done.