Hot off the press!

Hot off the press!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all American school children learned something about our great American art form of jazz? If they not only listened to and played their music, but also learned the stories of our American jazz geniuses? If by hearing these stories, they also came to understand something of how systemic racism has hurt and continues to hurt us all? If they were inspired to begin the long walk toward justice, accompanied by the joy of jazz?

Pentatonic Press

To further the development of Orff Schulwerk through quality materials, ideas and processes grown from work with children of all ages. 

To attend to the roots of quality music education while exploring new territory. 

To offer full artistic control over the presentation of published material.

To provide a model of music and dance at the center of school curriculums, revealing their inherent connection with all subjects and their ability to cultivate community.

To use music as a vehicle to reveal and cultivate each child’s remarkable potential as an artist, citizen and compassionate human being. 

Pentatonic Press’ growing catalogue includes six published books and two CDs. The press was formed by Doug Goodkin in 2004 with the following goals:

Latest Books

MOVEMENT & DANCE IN ORFF SCHULWERK: Volume III of Texts on Theory & Practice of Orff Schulwerk (2024)

A must-read for all Orff Schulwerk teachers! Fifty-six authors from many different countries share their knowledge about how musiC and dance can be integrated with music and speech guided by the artistic-pedagogical concept developed by Orff,. Günther and Keetman.

Orff Schulwerk in Diverse Cultures book

ORFF SCHULWERK IN DIVERSE CULTURES: An Idea That Went Round the World—Edited by Barbara Haselbach & Carolee Stewart (2021)

A collection of articles by some 70 authors from over 25 countries describing how Orff Schulwerk has evolved in their country and impacted their music education culture. This is Volume II of the series Texts on Theory and Practice of Orff-Schulwerk (2011-Schott Pub.)    

Looking At The Roots book

LOOKING AT THE ROOTS: A Guide to Understanding Orff Schulwerk— Wolfgang Hartmann (2021)

A look at the historical roots of the Schulwerk with ideas of how to keep them forever contemporary in today's classrooms. 

Other Pentatonic Books & CDs

TEACH LIKE IT'S MUSIC: An Artful Approach to Education—Doug Goodkin (2019)

How to make music classes—and all classes—more musical.

Now available on Kindle.

BOOM CHICK A BOOM: Jazz for All Ages - Doug Goodkin & the Pentatonics (2018)

Available now at: Spotify or iTunes or purchase it at CD Baby or  

FROM WIBBLETON TO WOBBLETON: Adventures with the Elements of Music and Movement— James Harding (2013)

Bringing Orff Schulwerk alive with creative play.

ALL BLUES: Jazz for the Orff Ensemble — Doug Goodkin (2012)

Combining jazz education with the dynamic approach of Orff Schulwerk. Features Orff ensemble arrangements of over 20 classic jazz blues tunes.

BLUE IS THE SEA: Teaching the Whole Child Through Music & Visual Arts - Sofia Lopez-Ibor (2011)

The definitive book on imaginative and child-friendly arts integration via the Orff approach. 

INTERY MINTERY: Nursery Rhymes for Body, Voice and Orff Ensemble - Doug Goodkin (2008)

Features 48 arrangements and activities for preschool and elementary, usable by both music and language arts teachers.

THE ABC'S OF EDUCATION: A Primer for Schools to Come- Doug Goodkin (2006)

A trip through the alphabet to reimagine 26 ways in which education can change to meet children's deepest needs.

NOW'S THE TIME: Teaching Jazz to All Ages — Doug Goodkin (2004)

The groundbreaking book showing how to teach jazz via Orff Schulwerk to children of all ages.

NOW’S THE TIME: Jazz for All Ages - Companion CD set for the book

Two CDs, 42 pieces of all arrangements in the book plus bonus tracks, performed by The San Francisco School Orff Ensembles.

Other Books By Doug Goodkin

  • Jazz, Joy and Justice: Austin Macauley Publishers: A young adult book featuring the untold stories of our American jazz geniuses.

  • Name Games: Alfred Pub: 20 musical ways to learn names and create compositions.

  • A Rhyme in Time: Alfred Pub: 20 activities for music and language arts development.

  • Sound Ideas: Alfred Pub: Activities for percussion circle based on Multiple Intelligences.

  • Play, Sing and Dance: An Introduction to Orff Schulwerk: Schott Publishers: A comprehensive look at the various Orff media, with photos of children at The SF School

West Music

Mad Robin Music and Dance

Peripole Music

Independent Publishers Group

Music Is Elementary

These publications can be ordered from:

US and international except Canada